Tough we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Portugal I feel like it just impossible to ignore this day. And it is my opinion that every country in this world should have a holiday like this, just to give thanks.
In one of these days I read the following from a fellow blogger: "I'm human, and sometimes that stupid greener grass over there looks just so freaking green, that I start to forget just how blessed I am to be standing on any grass at all over here. And what incredible grass under my feet it it! I'm thankful for it." And honestly, that's what really matters at the end of the day.
A few weeks ago I got an appointment at my doctor's and we ended up talking about plastic cirurgy somehow . Eventually he said what we all know but ignore. That there is that one day we we'll all leave this world behind and until that time comes, we have to learn and live with ourselves because there's no way we can be another person, or look like another person, because we are who we are.
And even before that, because I am a freak and google my professors, I found an article one of them wrote about vacation and kids. It was the most adorable, unexpected and real thing I could ever expect. He started saying how it was impossible to have vacation with kids, you either have vacation, or you either have kids. Eventually he said something like vacation actually feel good for a week or two, but they bring you nothing afterwords. And kids, well, they may give you a lot of headaches but they are an investement, they'll forever be yours and they are the future.
I still have no kids, but I have parents, and I have a whole family and friends that I love. And I am thankful for that. I am thankful for the little things like choosing to live in my dream city or studying what I love, I give thanks for choosing what to eat at every meal when some people don't even have a choice because they really have nothing choose from. For living in a country with its problems like every other, but where I can live free and in peace. I give thanks for my clothes, my make-up and my knick-knacs. Some people may have it better, but it doesn't matter because you're not other people. And you don't have to. You can be happy in your own way!