When I was little my parents always insisted that their kids would know their own country first and now I am really thankful they did. On the other hand we would travel a lot more north and I actually learned that I love south better. Nowadays I have a say when it comes to choose where to go on vacation and I always tend to elect Alentejo. I guess it is because that's what's more distant from what I know and am surrounded by. The food, the architecture, the weather, the lanscapes... And I really enjoy it!
After spending a week in Algarve with some friends I came back home for a day or two (not long really) and then I left with mom for a few days in Alentejo. We enjoyed our mornings and evenings touristing and spent most afternoons relaxing by the pool at the hotel we were staying at because it was insanely hot to walk.
This time around mom and I stayed in Elvas and then visited some places nearby, such as Flor da Rosa (my favourite!), Alandroal, Nisa, Campo Maior, Alter do Chão and Vila Viçosa. I've already been in Alter do Chão, Nisa and Vila Viçosa and I have very dear memories from those times, so it was good to beback.

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