domingo, 25 de outubro de 2015

What I'm Up To

Oh hey! It's been a while isn't it?  
I've definitly been busy these past few weeks but I don't feel overwhelmed because it hasn't been all work, but I am having lots of fun too! 
I only have classes in the afternoon this semestre, so besides going to school, coming back home, studying what I've learned that day, cooking dinner, taking a shower and going to bed I've been using my mornings to relax. And that includes jogging, going for a walk at the park and, I realise how strange this will sound, but also to go grocery shopping. Most people I know hate it but I don't, although I tend to spend more than I should. And mornings are much more quiet at the grocery store you know? So it is easier for me not to end up buying stuff I actually don't need. Also, everything looks so fresh all I want to buy is fruit and vegetables and fish and no cookies or candy! Double win, right? My pocket money sure appreciates this!

Apart from that I sometimes use my late afternoons to go for a longer walk, mostly at the end of the week as I strat getting less occupied with college stuff and one of my roomates usually makes me company. Another upside of it is that she loves taking photos and well, let's say I don't mind helping her practice posing for her here and there. 

Not pictured here, last weekend we had a gas leak at the house (not fun) which meant no cooking, no warm baths and 2 nights out. In one of which we had to go out just until our landlord could come to check the situation, which end up being almost at midnight. At the end we had the most fun, the three of us, going out for dinner, pizza, ice-cream and chocolate! What else to do when you have a warm night and 5 hours to spend? haha

Have a nice week everyone!!

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