sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2017


Last week was all about me turning 21 and me turning 21. Only once, obviously, but since last year I've extended my birthday celebrations for about a week.
This year was a little bit different from any other because I spent my birthday in London with just my sister. I must admit it felt a bit lonely to be the birthday girl in a foreing country without the ones I love most and who are always there to celebrate these milestones with me. Mom, just so you know, you were missed (and also remembered quite a few times during the day). 
All in all it was a good birthday and I had the chance to celebrate with a few of my best friends back in town and with a propper cake, full of candles to blow, once I was back. 
So, as you may imagine I have a few photos of my birthday but not really birthday themed, since we were a bit more focused on touristing rather than eat cake or blow candles.  
We went just for the weekend and I really dind't want to come back tired since I had classes on Monday (which I still skipped because I really needed to sleep) so we tried not to hurry or be in a rush and just wander and see a few places, but aware that we wouldn't have time to check everything on our wishlist. So, now we have an excuse to come back - as if we needed one;).
Down below I'll let a few pictures from the weekend. Hope you enjoy them and your weekend!

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